What we do


Showcasing the use of in situ data for climate adaptation
Jan 2020 - Present

Evenflow acts as coordinator for the InCASE (In Situ Showcases) project, applying the GEO Data Sharing and Management principles to build showcases for how improved availability of In Situ data can support European environmental monitoring activities, especially around climate adaptation policies.

The GEO Data Sharing and Management principles aim to ensure that EO and auxiliary data are discoverable, documented, and compliant with relevant standards to ensure their usability and interoperability between different data sources and systems. Adherence to such standards can greatly improve the value of the data, maximising the benefits that they can bring to users for developing services and monitoring long term policy objectives.

The InCASE project performs a wide range of activities aimed at the implementation and promotion of data sharing principles for in situ data. These are focused around a series of showcases, covering losses and damages by climate extremes, hazards and vulnerabilities to a changing climate, and ecosystems relevant to carbon sequestration. For each showcase, data needs will be specified, data sets will be inventoried, with key data sets identified for follow up activities to promote their availability and value with respect to the needs and specifications.  

The project also provides technical support on interoperability and quality requirements for such data. It supports existing GEO working groups (in particular the GEO Data Working Group) in activities such as the identification of gaps in in-situ data coverage in selected GEO Work Programme activities, and the promotion of success stories about successful sharing of in situ data.

The project is being funded by the European Environmental Agency (EEA), and supports work that the EEA is performing under its SLA with the European Commission “Mainstreaming GEOSS data sharing and management principles in support of Europe’s environment” in its contribution to the implementation of EuroGEO. It will complement existing activities performed by EuroGEO partners and projects, such as e-Shape, and will align with key EUprogrammes and initiatives such as Copernicus In-Situ activities, the European Strategy for Data, the Green Deal Data Space, and Destination Earth.

Evenflow’s role

Evenflow acts as overall coordinator of the project, leading a team consisting of National Observatory of Athens, CREAF and OGC. We also lead the support to the GEO working groups, as well as providing specific expertise in aligning the activities to key EU programmes for data management and environmental monitoring.

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