Our team

Our team is a diverse group of hard-workers, deep-thinkers, and flow-seekers, brought together by a shared belief in the potential of high technology to positively impact life on Earth. Our backgrounds range from astrophysics and engineering to geography and law. In addition to our core team (below) we maintain a distributed network of experts and consultants which stretches all the way across the Pacific.

Lefteris Mamais
Co-Founder and Director
Lefteris Mamais
Co-Founder and Director

Lefteris’ lifelong enthusiasm for space drove him towards launching Evenflow with Dimitri in 2015. An astrophysicist-turned-entrepreneur, Lefteris applies his knack for complex problem solving to developing novel high-tech concepts and bridging emerging solutions with market needs. As a keen sailor, Lefteris is guided by Galileo to keep his boat flowing evenly.

Dimitri Papadakis
Co-Founder and Director
Dimitri Papadakis
Co-Founder and Director

A social scientist from Nottingham Trent University, Dimitri’s career changed orbit in 2008 when he encountered the Copernicus programme. An unrepentant designer of complex spreadsheets, Dimitri combines a Greek aesthetic with British practicality in managing Evenflow’s communication and outreach activities. Dimitri finds his Zen moments spinning fire, playing the Bütone and slowly solving Rubik’s cubes.

Dáire Boyle
Dáire Boyle

With a background in engineering, Dáire swapped his life of early morning helicopter commutes, while living on oil rigs in the North Sea, for the bustling streets of Brussels’ European Quarter. Building upon his technical experience with a Master’s degree in business and economics, Dáire’s efforts now focus on emerging technologies and economic analyses, but primarily on reaching the lofty heights of one day becoming a pub quiz champion.

Júlia Caufapé
Innovation Consultant
Júlia Caufapé
Innovation Consultant

Júlia is a Barcelona native with a fresh perspective in economics, making a dive into the space sector at Evenflow in her first professional role. Fuelled by curiosity, she embraces new cultures and languages. When not charting economic territories or engaging in dynamic communication activities, she’s on a mission to savour Belgium’s diverse beer offerings.

Asaf Covo
Communication Manager
Asaf Covo
Communication Manager

A natural explorer and observer, Asaf loves to turn insights into engaging communication experiences. Starting with an award-winning career in advertising, his passion for digital and social impact led him to the EU bubble. He managed pan-European campaigns for NGOs, EU institutions and global brands. Asaf gets his flow through music jams, crafting wood prints and riding skateboards or bikes in his NASA tech-inspired sneakers.

Lauriane Dewulf
Space Economist
Lauriane Dewulf
Space Economist

Her desire to explore new horizons and enthusiasm for learning led Lauriane from her academic career – lectureship and a PhD in economics – to Evenflow where she focuses on economic studies, analytical models and innovation. With a creative mind and insatiable need to discover new worlds, she’s developed various hobbies from hiking in remote areas to creating (and eating!) nice dishes made with vegetables directly from her garden.

Irena Drakopoulou
Security Consultant
Irena Drakopoulou
Security Consultant

Irena, a polyglot and Space, Security, and Defence Consultant, merges her expertise in International Relations with a passion for space. Her background in Turkish and Modern Asian Studies, and a Master’s in International Relations, Strategy, and Homeland Security, highlights her skill in geopolitics. She’s also a dedicated taekwondo black belt and an avid traveler, having visited 59 countries, showcasing her dynamic, multifaceted character.

Phillip Harwood
Phillip Harwood

Phil started his career designing spacecraft control systems, before changing tracks to take a deep dive into the world of Earth Observation. Two decades later, having worked on everything from data handling systems to user applications, he joined Evenflow to help bring technology and business together. When not wondering where the time has gone, he indulges in Italian language, cooking and opera.

Tim Heijmann
Innovation Consultant
Tim Heijmann
Innovation Consultant

Although he holds degrees in international business management from leading universities, Tim is an engineer at heart. Having spearheaded complex aerospace developments as lead project manager and fundraiser, he knows what it takes to get (space) technologies to market. Amongst his many other qualities, Tim is a certified rescue diver as well as a keen golfer.

Asparuh Kamburov
Asparuh Kamburov

Asparuh ventured into surveying GNSS projects at the edges of our planet – from the jungles of Cambodia through the deserts of Africa to the glaciers of Antarctica. His major super-power – cooking – secured him a Top 10 position in the MasterChef Bulgaria 2018 competition. Apart from culinary adventures, he fights the uneven battle for a more educated society through the powers of science communication.

Ariana Mamais
Administrative Officer
Ariana Mamais
Administrative Officer

Ariana’s maritime studies steered her towards the sea but, ten years later, she finds herself supporting projects which analyse the ocean (and the land) using innovative satellite technologies. When she is not debating with her dog on various subjects – and losing! – she likes to build and remodel whatever she can get her hands on, as well as learning how to cook.

Catherine Mandler
Space Economist
Catherine Mandler
Space Economist

From a young age, Catherine loved solving mysteries. As an adult she uses this discovery mentality to better understand the ultimate mysteries of life, especially human decision-making, aka Economics. She conducts economic analyses in many contexts, searching for insightful truths for the best decisions. Outside of the office, you can find her at a Toastmasters club, at a cat café, at the Opera House, or at the Chocolaterie.

Noemi Marsico
Communication Consultant
Noemi Marsico
Communication Consultant

Noemi specialized in hydrological studies using remote sensing tech. Passionate about making science accessible, she communicates at all levels. Besides consulting for Evenflow, she works as a contractor for EUMETSAT, managing Data Access Services Trainings. In science communication, she collaborated with ESA, EUMETSAT, IUCN, and more. Beyond science, her dream is to save every animal on Earth.

Konstantinos Kanellos
Communication consultant
Konstantinos Kanellos
Communication consultant

Driven by a passion for communicating innovative practices that impact European citizens, Konstantinos crafts compelling narratives that resonate with diverse audiences. He is a curious soul who loves to explore new cultures. You can find him indulging in his passion for photography or enjoying a leisurely stroll through the streets of Europe’s iconic cities.

Paula Kenny
Communication Consultant
Paula Kenny
Communication Consultant

A European Parliament traineeship saw Paula leave the Emerald Isle for Brussels, which she has been calling home since 2020. Having worked in a range of content editing and journalism roles, a desire for a new challenge led Paula to Evenflow. When Paula isn’t using her communication skills to tackle policy topics, she can be found recharging her social battery by reading or going to concerts.

Esther Millet
Communication and marketing consultant
Esther Millet
Communication and marketing consultant

After her studies in international relations and criminology, Esther shaped her career around her deep concern for the environment. Beginning with promoting water conservation before shifting towards the advocacy of energy efficiency, she is now particularly enthusiastic to explore how earth observation can contribute to the fight against climate change. Esther is also an artistic gymnastics teacher.

Cristiano Pisani
Operations Support Manager
Cristiano Pisani
Operations Support Manager

Since childhood, globes and world atlases always attracted Cristiano. As he grew up, he combined this passion with his interest in international politics and relations. His flair for organisation led him to shape his career in operations management, which he continues to develop at Evenflow. A love of music and social life, as well as a passion for sports complete the picture.

Ruuta Skujina
Ruuta Skujina

Ruuta’s journey is the result of her conflicting passions for pragmatic analysis and creativity. After six years of managing the chaos of creative worlds, she decided to bring some creative chaos to the business world. At Evenflow, she helps develop “out-of-this-world” perspectives whilst thoroughly enjoying the complexities of finding a common language, both at work and in her various musical hobbies.

Nico Thom
Nico Thom

A keen Earth Observer himself – though mostly through the lens of his camera – Nico has been following the Copernicus and Galileo enabled innovations and emerging businesses for a long time now. His grandfather may have laid the foundations for this interest, as his collection of space-themed stamps included a Nicolaus Copernicus section. In his spare time, Nico enjoys what Belgium has to offer in nature, from hiking the Ardennes to strolling along the coast.

Thomas Willems
Communication Specialist
Thomas Willems
Communication Specialist

Imagine a passionate political scientist with linguistic powers, creative prowess, and a knack for advocacy. That’s Thomas, and he is stoked to be part of Evenflow! Through experiences in international development organizations, he mastered the art of managing communication campaigns, deciphering their impact and bringing innovation to the table. At Evenflow Thomas links the realms of communication in development cooperation with Earth Observation. 

Could you be the next Evenflower?

We are always on the look-out for fresh talent to complement our team. If you are interested in working with us, check our latest job posts or send us a spontaneous application, explaining what you can offer and why you’d like to work with us, using the form below.

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You’re in good company

We are proud to work with public and private institutions and organisations across Europe and beyond.