The GSA’s Mission
The GSA’s mission is to maximise the return on investment in the European Satellite Navigation programmes by enabling as wide a range of benefits as possible, supporting economic growth, and promoting competitiveness. Consequently, GSA undertakes market development activities across various segments that make use of satellite navigation applications. Every two years, GSA publishes its flagship Market Report providing a detailed analysis of global trends, key developments, and economic figures pertinent to the GNSS market.
Starting with the 2017 edition, Evenflow has been supporting the production of this report leading the work related to agriculture and surveying/geomatics, contributing to market forecasting tools, and performing complementary analyses.
Similarly, we have been contributing to the GNSS User Technology Report, taking charge of the High Precision segment which entailed analysing the latest state-of-the-art GNSS receiver technology and studying technological trends in relation to GNSS methods and systems. These publications are complemented by the Report on User Needs and Requirements which calls for systematic consultations and extensive research. Here too, Evenflow has led the development of the Agriculture and Surveying reports. The results of all these reports are regularly presented and further refined following discussions with the stakeholders attending the User Consultation Platform meetings.