Today, we are proud to be launching a major upgrade to the e-shape Sustainability Booster, our one-stop-shop innovation guidance and support portal intended to help grow, shape and sustain new Earth Observation (EO) based solutions and businesses.
To explain how it works, let us start with a few stories that might be very familiar to you:
The department of a research institute has developed a smart solution using products from the Copernicus Atmosphere monitoring service to provide citizens and tourists with actionable insights on weather, air pollution, pollen, etc. Whilst many important stakeholders have shown interest in this solution, the team struggles to make any meaningful progress in bringing a commercial service to the market.
An innovative SME has been supporting a local paying customer with easy-to-use and affordable Earth Observation (EO)-based farm management services. The solution can, in principle, be easily scaled and delivered in many other countries. Yet, the company lacks the capacity to develop and implement an appropriate internationalisation strategy.
A consortium of companies and universities working together on an R&D project has managed to develop a technically sound solution for monitoring coastal water quality. Despite the good traction generated amongst its users, upon project completion, the consortium lacks momentum and means thus failing to transform these results into an operational service.
A freshly created start-up has raised a few eyebrows around their innovative solution for dark vessel monitoring. Although their technical approach sounds convincing, their pitch seems a bit rough around the edges and their business plan incomplete.
These stories are not inspired by Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu latest movie nor by any other master of the mosaic movie genre. These are real-world examples, quite frequently stumbled upon, in the world of Earth Observation applications. These stories are linked together by a common denominator – a need to take confident, well-thought-out steps towards ensuring the long-term sustainability of solutions. In short, EO based solutions might be in need of a boost.
How e-shape serves the needs of Earth Observation based solutions
The e-shape Sustainability Booster aims to cater to that need. Our dedicated team of EO, and Innovation and IP experts, hopes to provide the help start-ups, SMEs, and researchers require to succeed in taking this very important next step i.e., delivering the benefits of their EO-based solution(s) to as many users as possible.
By means of this platform we will be sharing market insights to be used in developing business strategies and provide guidance on IP and Innovation processes, alongside illustrative stories highlighting the relevant dos and don’ts. Last but not least, the Investment Landscape Navigator will support EO actors in their efforts to secure appropriate funding.
This product builds on years of experience tackling the many challenges and barriers the EO actors face when trying to scale up their solutions, consequently we hope the Sustainability Booster will prove valuable to its users. Equally, our ambition is that through the Sustainability Booster we will continue to progress our understanding of these complex processes, so that we can further refine the support provided to the e-shape pilots and the EuroGEO community at large.
Visit the new e-shape Sustainability Booster today!
Read more about Evenflow’s activities here.