What we do


Mainstreaming equality in the space sector
Jan 2022 - Dec 2022

The Equality project was a pioneering study on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) within the EU’s defence, aeronautics and space sectors. The main objective was to gather data on these three sectors to inform DG DEFIS and define future sectoral development strategies. This was done via interviews and a wide-scale survey, which collected the views and experiences of both staff and managers. With the goal of promoting non-discriminatory and tolerant values in the EU, the project also mapped current initiatives and best practices in ED&I.

The study supports the European Commission’s Gender Equality Strategy, which aims to promote gender mainstreaming and combat discrimination against minorities and underrepresented groups.

Evenflow’s role

The project was conducted by a consortium comprised of Evenflow, VVA, MCI Logos and RP Legal & Tax. Evenflow’s responsibilities included the status quo mapping of ED&I within the defence, aeronautics and space sectors – a task that involved desk research, conducting interviews and drafting both the final report and an action plan. We also collaborated with two leading experts in the ED&I field to coordinate a final event, a highlight of which was a dynamic, in-depth roundtable discussion.

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